Singing For The Earth

Singing for the Earth has three strands;
-Regular sessions where we sing for our love of song and the planet. Singing primarily for ourselves but often held in places where passers by might hear us and hopefully be touched. Supported by learning tracks to listen to in your own time.
-Open workshops at green and eco events to share these songs with a wider audience and demonstrate that expressing our care for the natural world and all life can be fun, uplifting and moving. EG Sustainability Forum, Eco Communities, Big Green Events
-Vigils at environmental actions such as alongside XR protests and School Climate Strikes
We hope to once again support the Sustainable Fair in Grosvenor Park in 2024 date tbc. We will be running an open workshop of simple songs for the earth. There is no charge for this and everyone is welcome. No booking needed.
The ‘membership’ is fluid. Anyone is welcome to join in any of these experiences. Singers are welcome to the monthly sessions without any expectation to join the other events; some singers choose to join alongside protests but don’t come at other times. There is no fixed expectation, other than to come to what appeals and not to what doesn’t. I aim to teach all songs by ear at the time of singing but for people wanting to embed their learning of the songs, the regular sessions are highly recommended.
Ella talks about 'Singing as Activism'
In a world where there are so many issues and so many ways to demonstrate our stance on them, singing has emerged for me as a true political act.
When I was a child, every Friday a group of women would stand at the Cross in the centre of Chester in a silent vigil for peace. I was very moved by their dedication to the cause and their action which was equally powerful and non-invasive.
As a young woman I remember hearing a talk about the 7 pillars of activism in which in was posed that prayer and peaceful protest are just as important as marches and blockades, and that change becomes more effective as more mechanisms are used.
Singing changes us, the singers, and also has an effect on the listener. It is a powerful way of demonstrating what we stand for, what we care about and can influence others in a positive and encoring way.
My experience of being around activism and protesters for all of my life has taught me that its important to be fully behind the actions that you are involved in, otherwise mental health issues and burn out lurk near. For me, singing my love for the earth as a public witness is something I can do with 100% integrity. I can also stand alongside others acting in they way to support and uphold them.
Singers are welcome to join the sessions as often or not as they wish and there is no obligation to take part in any of the other events if you do not wish to.